Monday, December 21, 2009

What kind of cream can be used on sore nipples during pregnancy?

I used cocoa butter cream. I just slathered it on thick and it really helped keep my skin healthy.What kind of cream can be used on sore nipples during pregnancy?
Masse creamWhat kind of cream can be used on sore nipples during pregnancy?
i have the worst sore nipples ever and I am only 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant! i wear a sports bra instead of a normal one and when i shower i soak in warm water. I have found that a heating pad on the lowest setting is very comforting also!Good luck and god bless dear, congrats also!
The midwifes reccomend Lansinoh, it comes in a purple tube in a purple box, you can buy it from the larger Boots stores. It costs 拢10 a tube, but it is wonderful. It's proper pregnancy/breastfeeding stuff, and one tube is enough to last through pregnancy and breastfeeding, then it'll do your next pregnancy! You don't need to take it off b4 breastfeeding either, hope this helps!
This is from the inside...its internal. I am sorry there is not much comfort for them. Cool things will be much BETTER then heat!!!

Also ask your doctor. He may recommend something.
Use 100% lanolin, such as purelan or lansinoh. It protects the skin from drying out, and doesn't have to be washed off before breastfeeding.
lanolin works best if your nursing otherwise vaseline works just as well
Vitamin E oil is the best...also if you plan to breastfeed this is safe to use while breastfeeding to prevent cracking
ice them .
I use shea butter, it works really well. So does cocoa butter!

Very Best Wishes!
I used Lansinoh cream, you can get it at Target. It's in with the baby stuff, next to the breast pads and breast pumps. It has a numbing agent in it, and it feels fantastic. I also started leaking at that time, and liked the Lansinoh disposable breast pads. I also took Tylenol for the pain. Your OB/gyn should have given you a hand out of what medications are safe, and Tylenol is on it. Hope you feel better soon. Take care.
Lanolin, it really helps. I also heard you can use your own breast milk to sooth sore/chapped nipples. I guess its natures way of curing. You just soak them w/ your breast milk and let the milk dry on your nipples.

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