Monday, December 21, 2009

Ice cream in pregnancy?

it says in my pregnancy book that ice cream is not safe to eat during pregnancy and has something to do with raw eggs in or something like that but ive seen a couple pregnant ladies eating ice cream so surely it must be safe then?

im getting confused on whether i can eat it or not - i really fancy one!!!Ice cream in pregnancy?
Oh my goodness, I did not hear that one. Good thing, too since I NEED ice cream with this pregnancy. Of course, it only comes from a reputable source, so it's fine!

Mmmmm.....Reeses Pieces Peanut Butter Sundaes......Ice cream in pregnancy?
you cant have soft serve but normal icrcream is ok
As long as it's from a reputable source.
Any ingredients that include raw egg should NOT be eaten during pregnancy.

Mayonnaise is another thing you have to watch out for as home made mayonnaise contains raw egg.
I agree with Dee 100000000% I have had things I shouldn't (caesar dressing, imitation crab, deli meat, runny eggs, raw cookie dough, soft serve ice cream, coffee, coke) but good god....we are PREGNANT not saints and when you get a pregnancy craving, sometimes you HAVE to satisfy it before somebody dies. Now, if your having it ALL the time, yeah that's a problem, but as Dee has already said, moderation is the key and sometimes all you need to satisfy a craving is a taste and your good so HAVE IT!!

There is a reason I don't read all those pregnancy books....I did with my first and wish most of the time I hadn't.
im sure an ice-cream now and again is not going to do any harm its worse to fight the craving .
ice cream from the tub you buy from the grocery store to take home and leave in your freezer is fine...

but NO soft serve.. from McDonalds etc.. out of those machines.. no no no!

Just stick to eating them at home., and enjoy! i did :)
Hi x

You can eat normal icecream ie tubs or from icecream shops, its soft scoop ice cream like mr whippy thats not meant to be safe thats the stuff that comes out the machines as it may not be pasturised and you dont know how often they are cleaning the machines. Mcdonalds icecream is pasturised so Ive eaten it although not very often and i've been fine x
i think they mean not to eat soft serve ice creams out of the machines. I was told its because the machine the soft serve comes out of are not cleaned regularly enough to ensure no bacteria are building up in them and comes back to the listeria thing again. but hard set ice cream like you get at supermarket etc is fine. Ive had it in my last 2 pregnancies and i would have liked to see someone tell me no ice cream at all!
You can eat ice cream as long as it's pasteurized and all that good stuff. I think I would've killed somebody if I was unable to eat ice cream during my pregnancy, I craved it all the time.
you can't believe everything you read about what to do and not to do or you will go crazy and end up only eating lettuce lol

I eat/have eaten fried eggs, ice cream, raw cookie dough, cake batter, tuna, deli meat, and I drink coffee, etc etc. I have even had a few pieces of sushi.

there is always a risk from getting sick from a lot of your regular everyday foods and being pregnant does make you more susceptible to illness. Moderation is the key.

By all means YES have that beautiful icecream you want!
Soft serve ice cream isn't safe during pregnancy. If the machines aren't cleaned properly, the ice cream can contain lysteria (sp?). Regular, store-bought ice cream is fine. If you're talking about home made ice cream that contains eggs, you can use that as long as you use pasteurized eggs (or egg substitute, but I don't know how well that would work in ice cream, lol). Breyers, Edy's, Haagen Daaz, etc. are all fine.
as long as the ice cream is made with pasteurised dairy products (which 99% of ice cream is) its fine. They do say not to get ice cream from mr whippy or McDonald's mcflurry just because its close to impossible to THOROUGHLY clean every nuck and cranny of the machine but other than that it comes back to health officials having to cover their backs over EVERYTHING due to risk of sueing. They can take things a bit too far
Shop bought ice cream is perfectly fine to eat during pregnancy. Firstly, most ice creams do not contain egg. Secondly, shop bought ice cream, including those containing egg, are pasteurised before being frozen into ice cream. It is a legal requirement to pasteurise ice cream mix so all shop bought ice cream is fine in pregnancy.
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  • 1 comment:

    1. I have found that pasteurized in the shell eggs are AWESOME for ice cream, cookie dough, poached eggs....well everything!
