Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I've heard that using retinol creams during the begining of your pregnancy was not good for the baby.....?

my question is.....

Is it the same for third trimester? Is using retinol creams later on in the pregnancy bad? I used some for about a month because the vitamin store near my home said it would be ok and someone later told me it was bad so I tried looking it up and couldn't find much of an answer about it for the last trimester.

If you have any information about my question or where I could find an answer please let me know asap. I'm really worried that I may have caused harm to my unborn daughter.I've heard that using retinol creams during the begining of your pregnancy was not good for the baby.....?
Yep I think its not recomended Any high Vitamin A products be use while pregnant. Though with the cremes the risk would be low according to what I read on the web!! I think it best to avoid it.But doubt you have done any damage there is a bit of a debate about the creme by what I saw. One site said there was little evidence of danger one said it was best avoided.....

For sure oral vitamin A is very dangerous!! So I think you would be best to leave it till after you have the babyI've heard that using retinol creams during the begining of your pregnancy was not good for the baby.....?
Retinol during pregnancy carry many serious risks so please STOP using it until your baby is born.

You may wanna search on google and get some info one it because u sure need it.
Retinol is really not good for adults so I assum,e it would not be good for your unborn child.
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  • Are these anti-itch creams safe to use during pregnancy?


    Is Aveeno Calamine %26amp; Pramoxine HCI Anti-Itch cream and/or Gold Bond Anti-Itch cream ok to use during pregnancy?

    I'm 28 weeks pregnant and I have an itchy belly! I've asked my Doctor about the creams and he said they should be fine. But he also said that if they don't work then he'll give me a steroid cream and well if he thinks steroid creams are ok then I'm not to sure about his opinion on these creams. I might be just paranoid but I like to get more then one person's opinion on things like this. And besides I think I have the right to be just a little paranoid about the health of my babies :)

    Anyways, Do you know if these creams have any side effects?

    Thank you!!!

    (Aveeno Calamine %26amp; Pramoxine HCI Anti-Itch cream);id=prod4348#ingredient

    (Gold Bond Anti-Itch cream);id=prod4541#ingredientAre these anti-itch creams safe to use during pregnancy?
    I'm 33 weeks with twins and I used the Aveeno cream for a rash I have on my legs and feet. It didn't work but my doctor said it was safe. I also tried regular calamine, hydrocortizone and benadryl, all suggested by my doctor. In the end none of it worked for me, but it sounds like yours is just the normal itchy belly from the skin stretching. If you really don't want to use a medicated lotion, I heard that aloe vera lotion is really good and helps to hydrate your skin so the stretch marks aren't so bad. If you develop a rash though you should be sure to mention it to your doctor.

    Good luck!

    At what point in pregnancy should you start using creams/oils to prevent stretch marks?

    I know that stretch-marks can creep up unsuspectingly and quite sudden- I gained a lot of weight one summer when I was in high school, and one day I noticed I had these red claw-like marks all over! I'm pregnant for the first time, and now that those stretch marks have faded from my younger years, I'm super worried about getting more of them! Does anyone know what the best time would be to start applying the creams/oils to help prevent stretch marks?At what point in pregnancy should you start using creams/oils to prevent stretch marks?
    You can't prevent them. Stretch marks are hereditary. You'll get them or you won't. Creams can make them a little less noticeable. Start ASAP and apply liberally. FYI - I got stretch marks during puberty on my hips - and I'm a skinny individual. I haven't gotten any during pregnancy so far and I have passed my due date (still no baby). Just because you have gotten them before doesn't mean you'll definitely get them again. At what point in pregnancy should you start using creams/oils to prevent stretch marks?
    now. its not proven to prevent them...but it def. couldn't hurt. ask your doctor if you can take vitamin E pills, i've heard this can help...i'm sure you can its just best to ask your doctor before taking any supplement. and make sure you drink a ton of water, keeping well hydrated will keep your skin hydrated and it will have more elasticity.
    When you start showing. They don't prevent the stretchmarks completely, but you won't have them as big or as many as you would've had if you didn't use the cream. Use Palmer's stretch mark cream on your belly, breasts, thighs and butt.

    My science behind this (unprofessional) but most black people get less stretchmarks than most whites. Black people have more collagen in their skin and age later on as well, therefore using a cream with collagen in it should help us somewhat.
    i would start apply creams and oils at 4 monthes because thats when you begin to show, and be sure to do it everyday =]
    you might get them anyway, but creams help to fade them. i use bio-oil in the morning and then cocoa butter at night. even if it doesn't work, it feels great, and it's nice to have hubby do it for you too.
    If your going to get them , you will., I think its more hereditary. I always use cocoa butter after my shower to avoid itching and I have never had one stretch mark. Im 36 wks with number 3.
    I would just use lotion or whatever as soon as possible so that you prevent any from occuring
    The day you find out your pregnant. Make the skin supple and able to stretch early on.
    I would use them from Day one....don't get cheap stuff though. My OB's office has some creams that are pretty pricey...if they work, then they are worth their weight in gold ! but I wouldn't go for the $1.99 coco butter at longs or anything like that. I liked this stuff called ';Tummy Honey'; you'd have to google it to find it but it smelled so yummy!

    It's luck of the draw with stretch marks though, some people use the creams and still get them, some people don't use the creams and don't get them.

    I started at like 8 weeks of pregnancy and I havent gotten one!

    Use BIO oil!! no joke. you can get it at shoppers drug mart or a super market. best buy ever

    Either when you find out you are pregnant or when you start trying to conceive.

    I started using Curel Pregnancy and Motherhood lotion before I even found out I was pregnant even though I was, so I was about in my third week of mind must have subconsciously knew, but anyways-I am now 25w4d (In my 7th month and I still don't have any stretch marks and I've gained 10 lbs so far.)
    I started using creams to moisturize my belly as soon as I started gaining weight- about month 4 (prior to that I couldn't gain an ounce due to crazy morning sickness).

    I have been told by many that moisturizing will not keep you from getting stretchmarks, but it can help get your skin ready for the stretching it will be doing so maybe the marks won't be so severe.

    I personally like Curell Pregnancy- enriched with Shea Butter, Vitamin E and Collagen and Elastin- it is really thick and I noticed a real difference in the texture and suppleness of my skin within a couple weeks.

    I have also heard that you should avoid scratching your belly- it will itch as it stretches! Hands off!

    Last, try to avoid eating excessively %26amp; avoid eating foods high in fat and sugar- the amount of weight you gain will also have an impact on whether or not you get stretch marks.
    ASAP if u ask me... i unfortunately strated to late and now i hav them bad...
    Couldn't hurt to start now. However, stretch marks can't really be prevented. You'll either get them or you won't and it's already been determined by your genes. If you've gotten them before, you'll likely get them again. But like I said, it couldn't hurt to start now.
    everyone is different sometimes you gain the weight early in preg or late. so i would start asap just keep lotioned up and you'll be fine you don't really need any specific cream now tho. but baby oil gel works well and has a better sent the coco butter.

    they are not hereditary they depend on the elasticty of ur skin. i know i spelled that wrong but its not hereditary at all

    Anyone know of any stretch mark creams that WORK during pregnancy? :)?

    I used Palmer's Cocoa Butter stretch mark cream about 3 times daily with my 1st pregnancy %26amp; I didnt get stretch marks UNTIL I was about 6 months, then they PILED on.. NOW I have so many my stomach looks horrible.

    Well, I'm expecting #2 %26amp; I'm wondering if any other product works for you guys, :) Thanks.Anyone know of any stretch mark creams that WORK during pregnancy? :)?
    I tried Palmers Cocoa Butter stretch mark cream too and it didnt work for me either...well maybe because that wasn't because I didnt used it everyday and as often as I needed to. I probably jsut used it a few times a week...but I didn't get stretch marks untill around 6 months either. I've heard bio oil works on stretch marks during pregnancy but Im not sure about after but I've heard the best has been revitol which is kinda pricey but I think they have a 60 money back gaurantee or something like that...I'm thinking about trying it out. I think you have to order online at their website though I'm not sure if any stores carry it. www.revitol.comAnyone know of any stretch mark creams that WORK during pregnancy? :)?
    I honestly haven't bothered trying many after learning from my doctor and backed up all over online that stretch marks are only preventable if you are not predisposed to them genetically. If you are, the best you can do is wear them proudly and try to help them fade faster later. I'm not aware of any creams that consistently prevent stretch marks before or after pregnancy if you're genetically going to have that predisposition. It's a gamble of genetics really. Some ladies are lucky and some are not.
    I use vitamin E oil from 6 weeks on, I modeled after two kids, not a mark (currently doing my 2nd surrogacy and 7 weeks along)

    My mom did the same, 3 kids, not a stretch mark on her. Get the thickest kind you can find, it will feel sticky so wear pajamas you don't mind tossing afterward but it is worth it. Also stay hydrated as well.
    They really will come with or without the creme. If its in your genes they will be there. If you already have them they most likely will stay there, they will fade, i got a few new ones this pregnancy. Only because i was carrying differently.
    I believe there is no cream that can help, just genetics. some people are lucky and some people arent. I'm in the ';aren't'; club myself.
    cocoa butter more then once a day. try different brands different brands work for different people.
    There wasn't a thing that worked for me. I tried it all, But maybe someone can come up with something for you. Sorry I couldnt help.
    Here are few popular stretch marks removal creams:

    I hope it helps you.
    bio oil, walmart, works like a charm
    nothing will help.. sorry

    its one of the bad things about pregnancy :[

    Do any of those stretch mark creams really work for pregnancy? Or should I use plain OL cocoa butter???

    I'd ry Cocoa Butter first, also I always see ads for creams, I don't know if they work, but I guess you can always ask for a refund if is doesn't http://www.stretch-mark.netDo any of those stretch mark creams really work for pregnancy? Or should I use plain OL cocoa butter???
    Nup, they're all the same. Plain old cocoa butter is actually the best (and usually the main ingredient in those creams anyway), or any old moisturiser. It's about preventing your skin from breaking as it stretches, so any moisturisation is good moisturisation!Do any of those stretch mark creams really work for pregnancy? Or should I use plain OL cocoa butter???
    use natural things but stick to one thing only or else it would take time to show the results and be very regular apply at night and sleep
    extra vitamin E and B6 (i think or maybe it was 12). and any lotion

    i gained 50 lbs and lost it immediately with no marks.
    I don't think cream works at all,,myth..? yes,, I think it depends on each persons skin , and the elasticity of it!
    Can't fight the stretch marks. If its in your genes, then you're out of luck. Just try not to gain so much. Stay at a healthy recommended weight according to what your doctor says.

    No amount or type of cream is going to help. The women who swear up and down that creams worked for them are the genetically lucky ones and don't even know it.
    I found that regular Cocoa butter helped a little bit as ddi a product from AVON stretchmark cream I cannot remember the name of it though I believe it was there brand of stretch mark cream ...Some people say Nothing helps others say somethings do I personally feel it helped a little bit to Help Diminish the look of them but not totally make them disappear. Good luck
    I do not believe creams can stop the skin from stretching and scarring from the outside.

    In my opnion and experience, exercise and diet are the secret to no stretch marks, not creams. If you gain too much weight and the muscles are flab not muscles, than you stretch that fat and it marks up. If it's muscle you will not have marks. Also, a diet rich in vitamin E, A, and C all offer the skin internal support from scarring. Just watch your weight, walk every day, and limit your fat intake and try not to gain the wrong kind of weight: just baby weight. Congratulations!!
    Palmer's cocoa butter is wonderful. I used it after my pregnancies and during actually.
    I would recommend applying the cocoa butter three times a day to the belly, hips, breasts,upper thighs and buttocks. The best time is when you get out of the shower and the skin is still moist it absorbs better. I don't really know about stretch mark creams for prevention. I can tell you that they are very expensive and for prevention they may not any better that cocoa butter. I have used them after the fact and they don't help that much on existing stretch marks. Prevention is the best defense. Realize that even if you end up with a few stretch marks the reward its worth it.
    You poor thing, people are telling you to not gain weight when you're talking about PREGNANCY here!!! Of course you can't help weight gain! Anyway, Palmer's cocoa butter really is the best as long as it's applied daily throughout the pregnancy (not just in the last trimester). It might not completely prevent stretchmarks but it will provide your skin with a little bit more elasticity and it will definitely reduce any potential pink/purple appearance. If you want, you can find a cream that is strictly for improving skin's elasticity and use both that and the cocoa butter. My friend did that and I swear she has only ONE stretchmark from having twins and she was a tiny, tiny girl before.

    Cocoa butter creams..whats the best for pregnancy?

    I have just normal like jergens i think cocoa butter cream. and i know theres a palmers cocoa butter cream for stretch marks will these work roughly the same or is the ';stretch mark'; one betterCocoa butter creams..whats the best for pregnancy?
    Coccoa butter is coccoa butter. Ive used it all and Im 27 weeks and Ive gotten stretch marks. I even asked my doctor about them at my last appt and what else does it. He even told me stretch marks are hereditery theres nothing you can do to get rid of them during pregnancy. Ive been using coccoa buter since I found out thought ohh that would help to prevent them, No it hasnt.Cocoa butter creams..whats the best for pregnancy?
    Overall nothing will really help ';supposedly';. I think most of it comes down to genetics. I personally like the body butters from body shop, but that is just me. I use the ones that are geared more towards very dry skin than just normal. Plus I like having the other scents available. I have never really liked the smell of cocoa butter myself. This is my 5th pregnancy and I still have no stretch marks on my belly or hips, only my breasts (and most of those I blame on puberty). Hope that helps.
    Yep I agree with the poster above...stretch marks are hereditary, and unpreventable...just get a good moisturizer, dont spend unnecssary money on those ';special'; stretch mark creams...there sold solely for profit and propaganda.
    Yep I agree with the poster above...stretch marks are hereditary, and unpreventable...just get a good moisturizer, dont spend unnecssary money on those ';special'; stretch mark creams...there sold solely for profit and propaganda.
    Palmer's is the best one I found. I tried everything, my skin was so dry. Nothing really prevents the stretch marks, but you really can help make them less intense. Dry skin stretches much more easily.
    to be honest if you have a hereditary predisposition you will get stretch marks anyway but moisturising cant hurt and any moisturiser is good. dont waste money on so called special ones
    the palmers one is better for pregnancy.

    Tanning creams/lotions during pregnancy?

    I know tanning beds are out of the question, but I was wondering if the lotions are okay to use. Have any of you pregnant ladies asked your doc about this ?Tanning creams/lotions during pregnancy?
    SAFE, says my doctor.Tanning creams/lotions during pregnancy?
    Yes, all self-tanning lotions are safe to use...
    sure its ok to cream during pregnancy.
    i have yes they are u just need to make sre that u dont break out from it
    Lotions and creams are fine.
    yes creams are okay to use. but the self tanning lotions are not. anything that goes on your skin goes into your body so be careful. think about the paint flumes, its not going on your skin and i hope you are not eating it, but it can and does hurt the baby
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